Category Archives: Steps To Salvation

Talking Steps To Salvation at Tropical Acres

I enjoyed having the opportunity to speak to everyone who came out to Tropical Acres to support Steps To Salvation last Saturday night. Here’s the first of two videos taken by Boris Balaban. In this one, I talk about my motorcycle accident, near death experience, the evolution of my novel and what all of us must do to bring Salvation to earth.


Question and Answer Session on Steps To Salvation

In this video, I answer questions from my audience about Steps To Salvation. Among other things, we talk about how there really are no “accidents” in life and the fact there there is a God. I also appreciate the plug from Gail Tenzer, who read the book.


Steps To Salvation now available as an e-book

I am very happy to announce that Steps To Salvation is now available as an e-book in addition to a paperback. So now whatever your preferred reading format, I have a version for that. 🙂

Please visit my author page at to preview and purchase if you’d like. Thank you.



Steps To Salvation is Published!

I am pleased to announce that after several years in the making, my novel Steps To Salvation is finally published in paperback format on and on!

Please visit my book page here to purchase or my Amazon page here.

Prefer e-book format? Click here. Kindle lover? Click here for Kindle version.

Welcome to the White House Museum, circa 2412






In my post No More Political Dynasties, I explained why all countries of the world — not just the United States — must abandon the idea of centralized power, especially when it’s concentrated and passed down through the same families. Whether it’s Kennedy, Bush, or Clinton the entitlement mentality of members of elite political families is a threat to individual liberty.

That’s why in Step Three of my book, I wrote a scene in which Mr. Bauer and his students visit Washington D.C. and the White House Museum – Former Residence of the President of the United States. Their tour guide has a very familiar name, too:

“Hello everyone, my name is Piper Palin and I’ll be your tour guide for the White House Museum today,” a lovely young woman of about 25 years announced with a smile. She had long, shiny, chestnut-colored hair, hazel eyes and a genuine disposition as she greeted the Arusha travelers outside of the building that once housed US Presidents and their families during the End Days. Although it was a hot, humid Washington D.C. morning Piper’s crisp, neat appearance was completely unaffected. Kissinger looked at her in amazement as he wiped his sweaty brow with his handkerchief and felt the moisture beginning to saturate his shirt. He couldn’t wait to get inside the air-conditioned building.

Later, students Hillary Rodham and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz have this exchange as they take in the sight of the very last presidential portrait:

Once inside the cool building Piper led them through the Oval Office, various parlors and eventually the Rose Garden, pointing out the historical significance of each attraction. Large framed photos of US Presidents from George Washington to Sarah Palin still graced the walls but Piper had been quick to point out that her great-great grandmother was the last one to have had the honor—and only because of intense pressure from everyday citizens who were thrilled to have elected her the first female President of the United States. Palin’s administration had initiated the 400-year tradition of presidents and their cabinets living in their own humble homes, working in modest offices and driving their own cars to and from work.

“Wow, she’s even more beautiful than her internet pictures,” Hillary gasped as she and Debbie stood staring at the painting.

“Beauty, brains and accomplishment—no wonder so many people liked her!”

“Yes, and what a great leader too,” Debbie agreed. “When the rest of the world had abandoned Israel, she stood by Eyal Grad. I can see why she was one of the Salvation Twelve.”

The students George W. Bush and Bill Clinton are also affected deeply by the experience:
Nearby, George W. Bush took in the sight of his ancestor’s portrait with utter amazement. He couldn’t believe he looked exactly like the 43rd President of the United States—except for his dark black skin, of course. Even though he’d seen pictures of G.W. Bush on the internet, the larger-than-life portrait showcased their shared facial features with shocking clarity. For the longest time all he could do was stare at it. Standing in the Oval Office, young Bill Clinton thought back to the Monica Lewinsky scandal that had nearly ruined his ancestor’s presidency.

Although he felt shame for President William Jefferson Clinton’s lack of decorum and judgment in luring a much younger woman into the people’s house for sex, he was thankful to have chosen the same kind of family libido for this incarnation. As he strolled around the room it occurred to him that perhaps he could become a filmmaker like Spielberg—except he would produce pornography films for Sin City in Arusha. Maybe someday he could even become an owner of a porno production company, too. This would be a safe way for him to satisfy his sexual urges without hurting anyone else and it would certainly be in line with his Life Purpose Class results which had pointed him toward a career in the arts. Bill smiled as he visualized his success.

In this new reality called Salvation Time, all politicians live in their own homes (which they pay for with their own money), drive themselves to work in their own cars (which they also pay for themselves) and do the people’s business in modest offices. Governments are streamlined and operate efficiently on a very tight budget because all of the material trappings of power have been stripped away. This enables everyday people to freely pursue their goals and thrive personally and professionally in a system of positive capitalism.

What do you think? Do you agree we should eliminate political dynasties? How do you feel about turning the White House into a museum?


Thank you, American Journal

This morning, American Journal posted a press release for Steps To Salvation. Visit their site to read the whole thing but here’s an excerpt:

New Book, Steps to Salvation, inspired by author’s Near Death Experience, reveals his practical vision for worldwide limited government, fulfills his promise to the angels ‘to go back and finish his work’.

In his first book, Steps to Salvation, Israeli born-and-raised Shlomo Attia – a resident of South Florida since 1990 — redefines the concept of Salvation and incorporates his own Near Death Experience into a thought-provoking journey through history.

Set in the year 2412 in Arusha Africa, this fantasy novel tells the story of how a terrorist attack at the G20 Summit in 2012 sends twelve world leaders to The Other Side where God’s selected project manager Moses and a cast of Ascended Masters and Advanced Souls give them their assignment: bring Salvation to Earth.

These familiar Biblical and historical figures also provide practical solutions for vital industries like food, medicine, energymoney and real estate.

Visit American Journal to read the rest. Thank you.


Galley Copy of Steps To Salvation Ordered!

profile_250x250After a seemingly endless process of writing, editing, formatting, revising and repeating, we uploaded the final manuscript to the publisher yesterday. We’re expecting receipt of a galley copy of the paperback by Monday. As long as all looks well with the formatting and overall quality of the book, I’ll click on the approval button on the site and finally publish the book. And of course, I will also make it available in Kindle and PDF.

We’re working on press releases now, which will hopefully go out next week. And once I confirm my approval of the final book, we’ll make plans for a Steps To Salvation debut party in South Florida, for all of my local friends and contacts. Please stay tuned to my blog, Facebook and twitter for updates.

Thank you all for your support.

Voyage through Salvation Time on the Maglev

Another cool feature of Salvation Time? Maglev bullet trains that can traverse the ocean. Here’s a brief excerpt from Step Three of the novel as the travelers and their hostess Naomi are making their way from London to New York City via the Atlantic Ocean:

While Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and Parliament disappeared in the distance, Naomi explained that both the land train and trans-oceanic train ran on pure electricity and magnetism. Even when traveling under the sea, the trans-oceanic train moved just as smoothly as its counterpart on land—at a much faster speed of 2000 miles per hour. Thus, it would carry them to New York City in less than two hours, due to the vacuum inside the tubing. Unlike its counterpart on land, it also moved through four massive, concentric carbon fiber tubes held up by cables anchored securely to the ocean floor. In between each massive tube was ample space for protection, with the train moving within the innermost tube. While Naomi expected that most of their trip would be underwater, the tubes could also be elevated above the surface, creating an illusion of riding on a cruise ship—without the turbulence created by waves. And to offer passengers spectacular views of sea life, the trans-oceanic maglev featured panoramic LCD screens throughout its interior walls, thanks to cameras on the outer tubes.

Sound too good to be true? Here’s a balanced excerpt from Anirudh Nambiar’s Design Blog from December, 2013:

One has to also consider the trade offs of this design. Removing all the air from the tunnel would take “100 jet engines, working 24 hours per day for two weeks”. This raises big questions related to the sustainability of the project. Another concern is safety. Any derailing of the train would cause the death of hundreds. At such high speeds, it is difficult to guarantee the complete safety of passengers.

No doubt, a maglev train connecting two continents would have a positive impact on the lives of many. It would mobilize businessmen, goods and services, increasing economic activity and globalization. On a human level, a student studying in the States could go back home for Thanksgiving in the matter of hours. As good as it sounds, is it worth spending $12 trillion (nearly 15% of the world’s GDP) on a tunnel that takes 100 years to build? There is no easy way to answer this question, but I do believe that mankind is destined to accomplish this feat in the future.

In another post I’ll go into more detail as to why I — as an engineer myself — believe the trans-oceanic maglev is not only possible but inevitable. In the coming months I’ll have much more to say about the practicality of my ideas which will make life much easier and simpler for everyone all around the world. In the meantime, check out these images of Salvation Time’s preferred method of travel.





It’s All Kosher in Salvation Time

Look for the kosher symbol everywhere in Salvation Time.

Look for the kosher symbol everywhere in Salvation Time.

Chances are, most people have heard the term “kosher” whether Jewish or Gentile. However, it’s a safe bet that most Gentiles are unaware of what the term means and why kosher is good for everyone. So for those who don’t know, let’s first define kosher. From Judaism 101:

Kashrut is the body of Jewish law dealing with what foods we can and cannot eat and how those foods must be prepared and eaten. “Kashrut” comes from the Hebrew root Kaf-Shin-Reish, meaning fit, proper or correct. It is the same root as the more commonly known word “kosher,” which describes food that meets these standards. The word “kosher” can also be used, and often is used, to describe ritual objects that are made in accordance with Jewish law and are fit for ritual use.

Contrary to popular misconception, rabbis or other religious officials do not “bless” food to make it kosher. There are blessings that observant Jews recite over food before eating it, but these blessings have nothing to do with making the food kosher. Food can be kosher without a rabbi or priest ever becoming involved with it: the vegetables from your garden are undoubtedly kosher (as long as they don’t have any bugs, which are not kosher!). However, in our modern world of processed foods, it is difficult to know what ingredients are in your food and how they were processed, so it is helpful to have a rabbi examine the food and its processing and assure kosher consumers that the food is kosher. This certification process is discussed below.

Kosher dietary laws are observed all year round, not just during Pesach (Passover). There are additional dietary restrictions during Pesach, and many foods that are kosher for year-round use are not “kosher for Passover.” A bagel, for example, can be kosher for year-round use but is certainly not kosher for Passover! Foods that are kosher for Passover, however, are always kosher for year-round use.

There is no such thing as “kosher-style” food. Kosher is not a style of cooking. Chinese food can be kosher if it is prepared in accordance with Jewish law, and there are many fine kosher Chinese restaurants in Philadelphia and New York. Traditional Ashkenazic Jewish foods like knishes, bagels, blintzes, and matzah ball soup can all be non-kosher if not prepared in accordance with Jewish law. When a restaurant calls itself “kosher-style,” it usually means that the restaurant serves these traditional Jewish foods, and it almost invariably means that the food is not actually kosher.

Food that is not kosher is commonly referred to as treif (lit. torn, from the commandment not to eat animals that have been torn by other animals).

Please visit the site and follow the links for a thorough explanation. In Step One of my book, one of the students in Mr. Bauer’s history class explains the background and meaning of kosher in response to an exam question. The teacher observes that in Salvation Time, everyone now eats kosher and wants this particular student to explain why (you’ll understand when you read it — no spoilers here!). In Step Three as they travel the world, Mr. Bauer and his class discover this to be true when they visit many restaurants and enjoy plenty of authentic ethnic food in places like Egypt, Italy, Germany, France and the US — all kosher. This is a crucial part of bringing Salvation to earth, along with improvements and innovations to vital industries like energy, food and medicine.

As we get closer to publication, I welcome feedback from my readers!

The Front Cover for Steps To Salvation!

I am so excited to have received the final front cover art from Kia Heavey this morning. We are getting so close to publication and release!

Next week: final edits, back cover completion, and uploading to the publishing company so please stay tuned. And if you’re looking for a graphic designer, visit Kia Heavey’s site here.