Category Archives: Middle East

Palestinian Muslims Convert to Judaism, Part Two

Following up from my last post, please watch Part Two from Proud Sephardic.

A big number of Palestinian Muslims have decided to convert from Islam to Judaism. Barukh HaShem. Besides the fact that some are aware of their Jewish ancestry, a increased number of Palestinian Muslims in cities such as Hebron and Shekhem (Nablus) have converted back to Judaism and Samaritanism as well as learning the truth in Judaism and the Torah. Because of their fear of Hamas persecuting them for accepting the one and only G-d, where all prophets are equally loved by him in Judaism, many of them practice secretly in their homes, other have gone to live in Israel. G-d bless them and guide them to Torah learning. Amen.

Palestinian Muslims Convert to Judaism, Part One

I highly recommend watching this powerful video from Proud Sephardic:

A big number of Palestinian Muslims have decided to convert from Islam to Judaism. Barukh HaShem. Besides the fact that some are aware of their Jewish ancestry, a increased number of Palestinian Muslims in cities such as Hebron and Shekhem (Nablus) have converted back to Judaism and Samaritanism as well as learning the truth in Judaism and the Torah. Because of their fear of Hamas persecuting them for accepting the one and only G-d, where all prophets are equally loved by him in Judaism, many of them practice secretly in their homes, other have gone to live in Israel. G-d bless them and guide them to Torah learning. Amen.

My forthcoming book addresses this issue in Step Two. Please stay tuned for updates as Steps To Salvation’s targeted release date is March 14. Can’t wait!