
I am  an entrepreneur, spiritual seeker, and author of the book, Steps To Salvation (June, 2014).

SAHeadShot4I’m not a writer by profession. I’m an engineer who builds prototypes for small businesses. I also own and manage a commercial appliance installation and service company in South Florida. Born with a natural curiosity, a passion for learning and a desire to contribute to the betterment of the world, I’ve always been an avid student.

During my childhood, my insatiable thirst for knowledge and truth often landed me in trouble. I was raised in Tel Aviv, Israel in a traditional Jewish home, where my constant questions about the nature of God and challenges to my faith were not always well received. Infused with an entrepreneurial spirit and a drive to succeed, I was earning more money than my father by the time I was 13 years old. Only problem was, I was doing so by retooling and selling “hot” bikes in my neighborhood. Once caught, I was not only severely beaten by my mother in front of my friends, I was also sent to a judge who gave me a choice of punishments: attend a religious school or go to a kibbutz.

At first I selected the religious school. But since the Rabbis didn’t appreciate my relentless questions about God and the traditional Jewish religion, they threw me out after a few days. That’s when the very best thing that could have ever happened to me took place: I went to live on a kibbutz.

This kibbutz literally saved my life by giving me the opportunity to channel my restless energy into productive endeavors, like learning how to become an electrician and a mechanic. The discipline and skills I developed set me up for success. I was further influenced by my service in the Israeli Defense Forces, which I joined in 1981 at the age of eighteen. Among other duties as paratrooper in a volunteer unit, I served in Beirut in 1983.

Following my honorable discharge, I spent time in Germany and France before relocating to the United States in 1990 and setting up my Hollywood, Florida-based business. In spite of my success, my main motivation has always been to contribute to others, to do whatever I could to help people. When an outwardly horrific motorcycle accident nearly ended my life in 2003, it began a process of discovery that eventually led to the creation of my book – a vehicle that enables me to not only help my family, friends, neighbors and colleagues, but also people all around the world I’ve never met.

But back to the motorcycle accident.

Upon arrival at Memorial Hospital, I was pronounced clinically dead—a diagnosis that the medical team would proclaim a second time after I spent 4 ½ weeks in a coma. I was literally on my way to the morgue when someone checked my pulse again and realized I was still (barely) alive. It was during this period that my soul traveled to the other side.

Thanks to a caring, interested nurse my memories of this experience were well-preserved. After I finally woke up, she asked me questions like ‘What did you see?’ and ‘Who did you talk to?’

SAHeadShot1As I answered her in detail, it occurred to me just how important it was to remember and retain as much of this information as humanly possible. While in heaven, I’d been told by three angels we call ‘The Council’ that I still had work to do on earth. They highly recommended that I go back even though the choice was mine to make. They did not give me details about the mission they wanted me to fulfill, but I firmly believe this book is an essential part of it.

Ironically, it wasn’t until 2009 that I realized what was going on between this world and the other world, and I felt an urgent need to let people know about it. That’s when I knew for sure that this book was a big part of the work The Council asked me to complete when I was in heaven.

The flip side of my quest for knowledge is an equally powerful drive to fight ignorance. Our lives on earth are miserable as a direct result of unawareness, but this can be remedied in many ways. There is another dimension to life and I was fortunate enough to experience it after a seemingly tragic event. But suffering through the pain of that brutal accident enabled me to visit heaven, where my beliefs were validated.

Our life, in essence, is spiritual. Everything that exists in the material world—whether a chair, a computer or a smartphone—first existed in the non-material world. I’ve also come to understand a truth that will most likely shock the traditionally religious faithful who hold the concept of hell as a fiery punishment reserved for bad souls after the death of the body: this earthly existence is hell. We’re not potentially on our way to hell as a result of the evil actions we may commit, we’re already in it. That’s the bad news.

The good news is that God has equipped us with the ability to transform this imperfect, physical life into something much closer to heaven. No, it will never attain heavenly perfection because while our souls inhabit human bodies, we will all have human failings. But by overcoming ignorance and employing common sense, we can solve a multitude of earthly problems. We no longer have to be slaves to our need for food, money, medicine, energy and education. As it stands right now, we’re wasting a tremendous amount of money and resources on these basic survival necessities—the very things that should be inexpensive.

SAHeadShot3What ought to be expensive on earth are the ideas conceived by and brought into material existence by entrepreneurs, artists and producers. Of course, we will always have challenges on earth; it’s the way God, as our software writer, set it up. We are programmed to learn, contribute, move to the next level in our soul development, return to heaven, and then come back again in a new body under different circumstances in order to draw ever closer to our Creator. It’s for this purpose that God also allows about ten percent of the population on earth to be messed up that the rest of us might learn to confront evil and use logic in resolving our problems.

One of the major obstacles to living an abundant, peaceful and joyful life is a lack of money. Money, after all, is freedom. When human beings have money in their pockets, they can relax knowing they have the ability to care for themselves and their families. With an abundant flow of money life becomes easier for everyone: crime is reduced, the divorce rate goes down and society begins to stabilize. Steps to Salvation offers a blueprint for giving individuals more freedom and control over their own lives enabling them to be self-reliant, productive and happy.

STSFINALFrontCoverBut first we must learn from history which is why Step One, the first section of the book, identifies many of the world’s evildoers and expounds upon their crimes against humanity. It takes place in 2412 in a history class at the Race Unity Regional High School, taught by a wise teacher named Mr. Bauer. Just like the students in Mr. Bauer’s history class, we must fully absorb and comprehend the lessons of history if we’re to put an end to the vicious cycle of war, poverty and enslavement to central authorities.

I’ve also discovered that a true hero is a person who knows how to control himself. That’s why the students at the Race Unity Regional High School are also required to pass a morality test prior to graduation. We as individuals must hold ourselves to a higher standard even as we inevitably fall short as a result of our flawed humanity. Life is an eternal opportunity to learn, grow, fail, endure and overcome.

It’s my fervent hope that by reading and understanding Steps to Salvation, all people will be motivated to incorporate its practical ideas and principles worldwide so that together we can finally bring Salvation to earth.

God bless you,
Shlomo Attia

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