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Book Launch Party at Tropical Acres in Fort Lauderdale – UPDATED

UPDATE: After giving it some thought, I’ve decided to make this an open event. Click here to visit the Facebook event page.

The date and location remain the same but I invite you now to come and enjoy FREE Hors D’Oeuvres and Dessert on Saturday, July 5 at 6:30 p.m. at Tropical Acres Steakhouse in Fort Lauderdale. I will host a book-signing table (no purchase required) and make a special presentation about the eternity of life and the soul. God bless you and I look forward to seeing you!


Please contact me here to RSVP no later than June 25. Thank you!





Now that my book is officially available for purchase, I am hosting a launch party at the iconic Fort Lauderdale restaurant, Tropical Acres. I want to thank Jack and Francie for all of their help in putting this special event together and look forward to seeing everyone on Saturday, July 5. During the event I’ll host a book-signing table and take photos with my guests. I also plan to share my insights about The Other Side and all the things I learned from The Council when I was in heaven. This includes the facts that there is no hell (we’re in hell when we’re in physical bodies on earth) or “death”, and that the soul is eternal. We get to come back over and over again to learn lessons and grow closer to God. Although this is very controversial and heretical to those who lead and follow organized religions, I hope everyone will at least hear me out. I enjoy respectful, spirited debate and discussion, so the evening promises to be very memorable. And of course, the food will be excellent!

If you’re in South Florida and looking for a wonderful place to have dinner or celebrate a special occasion, I highly recommend Tropical Acres.

Look for photos, videos and a recap of the July 5 festivities soon. Thank you for your support of Steps To Salvation.

No more race-baiting or racism in Salvation Time

Along with eliminating political dynasties, in Salvation Time we’re doing away (mostly) with race-baiters. These are people who profit from ginning up false outrage and accusations of racism, whether or not it actually exists. Of course, there are plenty of examples of actual racism in the End Days. Despite the fact that there really is no such thing as race for human beings because depending on where they live on the planet, their physical features can change. We all come from the same Creator, which makes racism as destructive and divisive as competing religions.

STSAl Sharpton

However, in the United States today in my experience most people are willing to judge others on the content of their character, not their skin color. I should also point out that real racism is not the exclusive sin of some white people. You can be black, hispanic, caucasian or any other race or ethnicity and still be a racist.

Then there are those who cry racism for the purpose of making money only. In America today, two of the worst are Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson – which is why I put them in my book. These two have done incredible damage to the United States by ginning up racism for profit and hurting innocent people in the process. Can anyone forget the Tawana Brawley case? She falsely accused a man, Steven Pagones, of rape, assisted by liar Al Sharpton. Twenty-five years later, Brawley is making restitution to Pagones. But what about Sharpton? He appears to have gotten off free, even though he’s just as guilty. Last year, Investors Business Daily reported on the story:


If ever there was a case of racial injustice it was the case of Tawana Brawley and Steven Pagones, except the roles of victim and perpetrator were reversed in the parallel universe of the racial grievance industry. The master of that universe is Al Sharpton.

Pagones is not as well-known as George Zimmerman, nor is he likely to be now, given the media’s subservience to that grievance industry. But 25 years ago the former New York prosecutor was accused of rape by Brawley, then just 15 years old.

Sharpton, the man who demanded justice for Tawana as she told her blatantly false story, is the man who now demands justice for Trayvon Martin, the teenager shot by neighborhood-watch volunteer Zimmerman, who was found not guilty of second-degree murder in what a jury ruled was legitimate self-defense.

As the New York Post reports, Tawana Brawley has finally started payment on a defamation judgment awarded Pagones. He sued Brawley and her handlers, including Sharpton, alleging the story that she was abducted and raped by a gang of white men, including Pagones, was a hoax. A grand jury, which heard from 180 witnesses over seven months, concluded in 1988 that the entire story was indeed apocryphal.

Last week, 10 checks totaling $3,764.61 were delivered to Pagones, the first from Brawley on the 1998 judgment on which she still has $431,000 left to pay.


Please read the whole thing here.


STSJesse Jackson


In Step Three in the year 2412, students George W. Bush and Bill Clinton – descendants of the real Bush and Clinton — visit a bar in Sin City in Fort Lauderdale, where they bump into two familiar characters: Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. To make my point about race, in this future time Bush and Clinton now have the dark skin and burgeoning African features thanks to their families’ 400 years of isolation in Arusha Africa. Conversely, the descendants of Sharpton and Jackson are now white — and unfortunately, still very much stuck on race and race-baiting as evidenced by this interaction:


As they waited for their refills, they took note of some familiar looking faces sitting nearby.


“Clinton, look! Isn’t that—”


“I do believe it’s the descendant of Jesse Jackson. He looks just like the 20th century shakedown artist—except for his lily white skin of course.”


“And isn’t that Al Sharpton with him?”


“Sure looks like him,” Clinton agreed. “C’mon, let’s go talk to them.”


They picked up their newly filled pilsner glasses and headed over to introduce themselves.


Although polite at first, Jackson and Sharpton were annoyed by the interruption, having been deep in conversation over how to manipulate the media and public opinion into believing that racism was still a huge problem in the United States—all in an effort to make easy money and preserve the memory and relevance of their crooked ancestors.


“Now that we’ve introduced ourselves would you mind leaving us alone?” Sharpton asked rudely. “We’re in the middle of important business!”


“Hey is that any way to treat tourists from another country and continent?” Clinton playfully teased. He was truly interested in getting to know these two characters even though the feeling was definitely not mutual.


“Oh get lost, you uppity nigger!” Jackson exclaimed. “Maybe in your little corner of the globe racism no longer exists but some of us are still dealing with it!”


“Racism?!” W was completely perplexed by the notion. “Are you guys serious?” Since they’d left Arusha and embarked on their worldwide tour, every person they’d come into meaningful contact with had been nothing but courteous, kind and sincere—not to mention mostly Caucasian. Sure, the gawking crowds and rude reporters had been a little hard to take but for the most part people had been very nice.


The Arusha teens could only conclude that for some souls the temptation to incarnate and repeat the same destructive patterns of their End Days family members was too hard to resist. For Sharpton and Jackson, the process of enlightenment and atonement might take many more lifetimes. Could it be that even now there was money to be made by race-hustling? It seemed impossible to believe.

Some beta readers have questioned my use of the word “nigger” in this exchange but it’s there to prove a point. As a deeply spiritual man, I despise racism as much as any decent person. I also know it works both ways. And in writing my book, I knew I had to get people’s attention so that they would understand the points I am trying to make. In no way did I use that word gratuitously or with intent to insult anyone.

I also recommend that everyone view Scientific Adam and Eve – a National Geographic documentary that proves the human family tree can be traced all the way back to the same Adam and Eve.